Meant to Bee™ has established a bee farming and honey production enterprise seeking to uplift SMME beekeepers across South Africa. Meant to Bee™ work together with SMME beekeepers to allow them to develop strong sustainable business enterprises thus creating employment opportunities, generating income, and uplifting rural communities.

Meant to Bee™ work together with SME beekeepers to allow them to develop strong sustainable business enterprises thus creating employment opportunities, generating income, and uplifting rural communities.
South Africa has large tracts of land not under private ownership.
These lands are occupied predominantly by poor rural communities who do not have the financial means to establish businesses or compete with established commercial operations.

Dozens of smallholder beekeepers currently operate within these areas but face critical challenges such as lack of market information, access to training, and access to financial capital required to grow their operations.

As a result, black-owned beekeeping enterprises comprise a very small percentage of SA honey production and are often exploited by predatory commercial operators.
Secondly, we are in the proses of setting up our own bottling plant in Johannesburg which will enable us to go to market quiver and be more efficient.